Friday, May 10, 2013

Give me your eyes

As I watched the sunset here in Lusaka, I am seeing it through new eyes. Eyes that have seen pain, hunger, sadness, but also eyes that see God on a daily basis even in times of great struggle. While in Zambia, we spent two days in Muegna, a province outside Mazabuka. We spent our time working  on a wall around a well, and ministering to the children in the area. I met a woman (child really) of 15. I noticed her because she had a bucket of water on her head while carrying a jug in her hand and a baby on her back.  I ran to her to take her picture and one of the People's Action Forum (PAF) directors followed me and translated. Her name is Eunice- the same name as my great aunt, she has a 16 month old child.  She is married and lives in a nearby village. Eunice comes to the well twice a day to fetch water for her family. So, I decided to see what life was like for her: she helped me place her bucket on my head.  After taking a few steps, I realized the strength it took to do this. Later in the day, I returned to the well and pumped two buckets of water- I was totally exhausted.  I can not imagine what life would be like to pump buckets of water- then lift one on my head, carrying a jug in my hand, while having a baby on my back, all to walk back to my village- TWICE a day. Aside from the fact of having no education, electricity, or much food. But let me tell you...somehow, there was still God all over her face and joy in her eyes.
Absolutely no words can describe what I have seen in the past week. I will spend time when I return sharing more pictures and stories with you. But for now, all I can say is I truly see the world from new eyes.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in The Lord and lean not on your own understanding but his. In all things submit to Him and he will make your path straight.

This verse was told to me on the radio on Thursday, Amy Cook wrote it in Olivia's card that she read yesterday and Al's wife told us this verse at the airport- So I think God is being pretty clear with us. And I am following this scripture in constant prayer.

I am not going to write too much as the Internet is spotty at best. We are starting to feel our hearts being pulled by what we have seen and heard. We went to a church called St. Peter yesterday.  We sat in a meeting where the church was begging for resources- not us in particular, but they were sharing with us their situation and it was dire. My heart broke for their congregation.

Please continue to be in prayer for us hear. We feel we are in the presence of The Lord.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mind trip...

Getting ready for the trip of a lifetime is really hard. There are so many emotions involved and I am trying not to have too many expectations, but I can just hear my husband saying "Yeah, Right!" So as a form of therapy, I am going to give you a small glimpse into my head...scary I have been warned.

Well, let's start with leaving my children behind. This has been a mind trip! To ease my imagination that goes directly to this being the last nine days I ever spend with my children, I wrote my mom a short manual...ok...more like a six page dissertation on how to take care of my children that I emailed my mom a couple days ago. Now, I am sure she not only thought I was a crazy person AND wanted to remind me that she did raise me, but she didn't. She took all the advice in stride and actually thanked me. No mom, thank you. You are one of the reasons my husband and I can take this journey together and I will be forever in your debt.

Let's continue our journey together with where my mind goes next gifts. When going on a trip to a country that not too many people get to visit (Zambia), you want to get people something special. So I started to make a list of people I should buy for. Now that was a very dangerous thing to do. I have now thrust myself into the realm of Christmas know what I am talking about women.  The "I can not not send THEM a card".  Needless to say for mental health reasons, I threw my list away before popping a couple Advil. So, if you happen to get something from me...count yourself lucky. :)

Packing, packing and more packing. Now, in my family of four, I pack for everyone. So, I not only have to think about skirts and lipstick but my hubby's belts and glasses (two things that I frequently forget to pack for him). So I am starting to pack now, which has led to our bedroom looking like hurricane Katrina hit. You know the mess is out of control when you get up in the morning and you can't tell the difference between the clean laundry pile and the dirty laundry pile.  Now, as I am writing this I am beginning to panic a little.  You might be wondering why because I still have over a week before we leave. Well, Jason and I are going on a date tomorrow night and Amy Cook is babysitting at our house.  For those of you reading this who do not know to describe her...tall, skinny, and friendly, with an outspoken honesty and an immaculately organized house, car, office, basement, family...etc. I think you get the point. I guess you all know what I will be doing tonight when I get home from band practice:)

But in all seriousness, my mind is mostly consumed with the possibilities of this mission trip.  What will this do for my marriage? How will this effect my kids? My spiritual life? My work? What am I going to see? Will I make an impact? As a Christian wife and mother, I want to lead my family by example. So, we are going in nine days to Lusaka and Mazabuka, Zambia to be used as instruments for Christ in whatever way He sees fit. I am sure I will pack way to much, and forget to get the most important people gifts, but it doesn't matter.  This trip isn't about me. It is about Him.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zambia Mission Trip

It has been so long since my last post.  I think about posting all the time, but between raising two young and energetic girls, watching kids in my home and working part time as a Worship Leader in our church- time just flies by.

I originally envisioned this to be a place where Jason and I could share the different things we do with our kids and around our house to live simply and simply live.  And we will soon begin posting our adventures of the past year including but not limited to...the cob oven we built and our raised bed gardens.  But right now the only thing I can focus on is the fact that we are 16 days away from leaving on our first mission trip.  We will leave on May 3rd for 10 days in Zambia.

This journey has been a true test of faith.  God is incredibly faithful through generous donations and constant prayers.  We are so blessed by our family and friends who have accepted to take this journey with us.  God has been teaching me lately about his timing and being patient for it and through it. 

So as Jason and I start to prepare our family for this adventure, I ask that you take this journey with us through this blog.